hanahauoli school | progressive pedagogy & philosophy:

“progressive principles in conversation with hawaiian pedagogy, philosophy and worldview”

In my third entry for the school’s blog, I outline the various principles of Western progressive education and align them with a Kanaka Hawaiʻi philosophy and pedagogy. I contextualize Hawaiʻi’s place in the larger progressive education movement, and emphasize the need for recognizing the contributions of Hawaiʻi to the movement. You can read the entry here.


interview | hawaiʻi literacy

Hawaiʻi Literacy does fantastic work all over Hawaiʻi with increasing access to books and educating families and children about literature in Hawaiʻi. We talked about representation, inspiration and building a culture of literacy. You can watch the interview here.


hanahauoli school | progressive pedagogy & philosophy:

“Librarianship in service to democracy: what libraries can (amd should be) in progressive schools”

I wrote a blog for the school’s professional development center on the role of school libraries in protecting democracy. Please read the article here.

hanahauoli school | progressive pedagogy & philosophy:

“a progressive education librarian’s guide: building library collections that prepare children for life in a democratic society””


read brightly:

“Preserving An Ancient Culture: Why I Write Books About Hawaiian Stories and Culture For Children”

In my first blog, I detail how I develop my school’s collection to be a diverse and culturally responsive collection. You can read the article here.


I was asked to write about my experience as a Native Hawaiian author, and why it’s so vital for the survival of a culture to engage children in stories. Read the article here.

New York Times interview

“How (and Why) Maui Got So Big in Moana”

AMI talks:

“The Art of Storytelling”


I was asked, along with many others of Pasifika descent, to discuss how Maui is represented in the Disney film "Moana”. It was an incredibly valuable conversation to have. Read the article here.


AMI Talks is a series that the Association Montessori Internationale conducts, each exploring a different topic. I was able to speak about the power of storytelling and its application in the classroom. Watch the talk here.